Optimize repeat customers with the power of CRM tools

2 min readMay 26, 2021

Acquiring new clients is a tedious and time consuming process. It also means that you’ll have to get used to a new style of work, attend meetings at a different time zone, or even say no to new projects. And there’s always that insecurity regarding payments. You can easily keep all these insecurities aside, by generating more work from your existing clients as retaining customers is easier than finding new work.

As a freelancer, you want to maintain a good and healthy relationship with your clients. You always want to provide them the best service you can, and retain them in your portfolio for as long as possible. But since that’s not always possible, the next best thing you can do is make them come back to you at a later stage for a new projects. For this, you’ll need to leverage the power of CRM tools to optimize your customer retention.

As this article from Freelancermap says, “Steady work means less insecurity, fewer ups and downs and less dependence on the feast-and-famine cycle.” So what better way to keep extending that steady stream of work from existing clients, than using easy and reliable CRM software? The easier you are to work with, the higher the probability of a repeat business from a client.

So let’s look at some ways of nurturing the client-customer relationship:

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